Livets Bog, vol. 2
The individual's "body of eternity".
464. The appearance of every living being, its organism as well as its mode of life and manifestation of thought is as a "juggling" with energies. On account of its logic or intellectuality, this "juggling" reveals the hidden "I" behind the physical body, as well as, to a certain extent, the hidden higher organism in which the basis for its creative ability resides. It is this supreme organism which, in reality, is the individual's "eternal body" and will be specially analysed as such here in "Livets Bog". In this "eternal body" the individual gathers his entire acquisition of experiences and knowledge, his skills and his abilities. It is from this body that he creates his physical bodies and transfers his skills and abilities from life to life. Consequently it is in this body that he survives his physical or terrestrial existences. And it is this organism which completely meets the concept of "X2"
      Terrestrial man is not day-conscious in this his highest body. But with the development of the humane faculties in his physical behaviour through which he advances to a certain mastery of intuitive powers, i.e. the "energy of intuition", a being becomes day-conscious in his supreme and eternal organism; he comes to know himself and his own high identity as a son of God, and as "one with the Father".
      This experience comes about when a being is sufficiently mature, through a particular process which here in "Livets Bog" I have expressed as the "great birth". Thereby this greatly transformed state in the individual's consciousness is the same as "cosmic consciousness".