Livets Bog, vol. 2
A "something" behind the energies. The "I", the "triune principle" or the basic analysis of the living being.
463. But taking everything into consideration, if an energy is to control anything it must itself be bound by laws. If the sun, for instance, were not bound by laws, its effects could not possibly be regular, and nothing whatsoever known as "physical existence" would have come about. It is a system of laws that causes the basic energies to disclose a culmination of "logic", which means the very highest form of creation on the part of the intellect. But a culmination of intellectual creation is the same as the culmination of the highest evidence for the energies' identity as constituting consciousness or life.
      If one examines a single energy, one becomes aware that it can neither think nor act. In itself it is quite devoid of any possibility or qualification for being able to manifest by itself even the most minute form of creation or for revealing any independent intellectual ability. Such an ability exists only in those realities we call "living beings". It thus becomes an incontestable fact that the energies in themselves are not the most important in life or existence, but that there must be "something" underlying the energies which, through them or by their aid, can display intellectuality and in that way prove its irrefutable presence in, or behind, every form of manifestation or of creation. We have already touched upon this "something" here in "Livets Bog" under the concept "X1". In itself it is not energy, and thus cannot be a created thing; on the contrary, all created things must unavoidably be a product of that "something". Consequently this "something" must be the source of created things. It is this "something" which constitutes the "I" behind every living being.
      As this "something" – which is thus the supreme element of existence – cannot make itself visible or reveal its presence in life or in the Universe except through a creative faculty and material with which to create, then this same "something" would remain without any importance or would be the same as "nothing" if these two last mentioned factors did not exist. This "something", then, that is the "I", simply cannot exist without being insolubly bound up with its creative ability and to the material for that ability to create, and these two factors have been likewise discussed here in "Livets Bog" and respectively described as "X2" and "X3". These three realities, which will be dealt with more fully through symbols and special analyses in "Livets Bog", are thus in themselves quite indivisible and they constitute an unshakeable whole. As these three realities together constitute precisely the three qualifications necessary for a "something" to manifest itself as a "living being", we have thus before us the living being's absolute basic analysis. Every living being thus constitutes a "triune principle".
      As we shall understand later it is through this analysis of the living being that we are compelled to realize that the Universe in itself has exactly the same analysis, that is, it reveals to us that it consists of just the same three principles which show the fact that it, too, is a living being. And here we obtain a perfect explanation for the logic shown by macrocosmic energies, or forces of Nature, while in the same way such definitions as "Godhead", "Providence" and living beings manifesting "in God's image after His likeness" are shown to be fully justified.