Livets Bog, vol. 2
Cosmic consciousness and beauty in the first zones of the spiral.
447. This heavenly consciousness is so inordinately divine and fundamental that even in death, through its bodily "corpse" or "remains" it can promote a whole zone of existence and even become a revelation of supernatural radiance and imposing divine power. Thus, it is the dying "cosmic consciousness" of heavenly beings which lies behind the beauty of things in the first zones of the spiral. It reveals itself in the forms of crystallization. The wonderful frost flowers on our windows on a cold winter night or the sparkling clarity and colours of precious stones as well as the supreme profusion in vegetation of variegated flowers and colours – all are due to the fact that behind these phenomena are the automatic functions of the existing I's where "cosmic consciousness" is dying away. They are the heavenly being's "remains" or relics from their sojourn in the culminating light of a former spiral.
      In this way, thanks to "cosmic consciousness", the darkest zones of the spiral will not be without some degree of divine light. Indeed, even during wartime – that dwelling-zone of suffering – this light, through the bounty of flowers, is a source of inspiration for artists, writers and scientists (see "Livets Bog", Section 183). This is life's, or Nature's, own "caress" for the sick and for the sound, for the joyful and for the joyless.
      Truly, "cosmic consciousness", is the fundamental mainstay of the Universe. It is the culmination of all life-experience. It is, in fact, the Godhead's own consciousness.