Livets Bog, vol. 2
Chapter 11
The "breath" by which God "breathed into Adam the breath of life". The living being must live in "thought-climates".
442. In our last chapter, and by going through Symbol No. 9, we have gained our first insight into the eternal sources of energy that are available to the I. Indeed, we have obtained a fundamental outline of the collective mass of energy which is everything in existence, the Universe itself. We have seen that these energies present themselves in six great basic forms, differing from each other, yet on account of the presence of a seventh energy, are eternally bound together in a firm cooperation, the effects of which are equally eternal and constitute a cycle, or circuit, which we have come to know in "Livets Bog" as a "spiral". This definition has been given to that cycle because it is re-experienced by individuals – that is, by living beings – in ever higher and higher connected and continuing repetitions. This experience constitutes the living being's manifestation, existence and experience of life. This same experience will thereby form an eternally ascending "spiral" course. It is with regard to the particular interaction of the basic energies that this course becomes for the living being an experience of alternating primitiveness and intellectuality which, in reality, again means for that being respectively the same as an eternal change between rest and work, and moreover forms the basis for the whole contrast effect on which depends all experience, all sense perception and all recognition of existence. We have come to know these basic energies under the titles I have given them, each individually according to the part they play or the effect they cause in the consciousness of living beings, and these titles will, therefore have a familiar ring for the investigator. Anyone who has advanced so far as to begin the study of existence with the help of "Livets Bog", will already know something of "instinct", "gravity", "feeling", "intelligence", "intuition" and "memory". Everything which can arise in the consciousness in the form of thoughts, mental processes or emotional awareness will inevitably be a play of those energies in which each individually is represented more or less strongly. Thus, without these energies there could not be any form of life whatsoever. Everything which exists is, in actual fact, only a combination of, or an interplay between, these thought-energies. It is this interplay of forces which constitutes the "breath" with which God "breathed" into Adam the "breath of life". Therefore these energies constitute for the living being's I, a kind of atmosphere with the help of which it "breathes", that is to say, it manifests or vitalized itself. Figuratively speaking this atmosphere embodies both sunny and cloudy weather, rain and drought, slush and mud, storm and calm, volcanoes and earthquakes; in other words, it gives different kinds of "weather" in the consciousness, or thought-world of the I. Therefore this "weather" may well be defined as "thought-climates". Such "climates" are better known to us in daily life as joy, sorrow, fear, longing, fanaticism, ambition, pride, anger, hate, avidity, falling in love, jealousy, envy as well as many more.