Livets Bog, vol. 2
Cosmic vision, its conditions and results.
441. Thus no one at all can make complete cosmic analyses before an adequate moral level is reached, that is to say, a level where the investigator is in harmonious contact with all life's phenomena, so that there is in fact nobody and nothing with which he is not in accord. Only a spiritual detachment from the influence of all temporal phenomena on his senses can create the serenity and impartiality through which the connection of temporal things with actual reality can be seen unhindered. Only observance in this condition can be "cosmic vision". Through this kind of sight, experiences are no longer merely temporal, but also cosmic, thus releasing the real and true vision of the Godhead, His organism, consciousness and eternal being. One sees His countenance sparkling and shining through every temporal phenomenon, permeating every sound, every vibration, every colour. The Godhead is a very ocean of light. And it is the permanence of this cosmic "solution" which Symbol No. 9 will make evident to a marked degree for every person as he is gradually able to rise above the sphere of relative phenomena and thus, free from temporal bonds, can begin to see into life itself, or into the absolute zone of existence.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 9
The Combination of the Basic Energies