Livets Bog, vol. 2
Cosmic analyses and relative analyses.
440. In contrast to this unscientific picture of the world we have the cosmic analysis, through Symbol No. 9, of the combination and whole cycle of the basic energies. This analysis is an eternal solution. It demonstrates the function of the energies as an eternal function and shows how they are in accordance with that eternity which they are precisely meant to fulfil. As the true reality is eternal and not temporal, then everything in the Universe and in the whole world must, in its highest analysis, be in accord with this eternity. An analysis which is only in accord with temporal things is transient and must alter in relation to temporal changes. But as temporal things have their root in eternity, or in other words, eternity is the abode in which all temporal things are localized, and is the "fixed point" upon which they maintain their movements, then all the highest analyses must show the connection of these temporal things with the eternal or "fixed point". If they do not do so then the said analyses will be highly defective. As all temporal things are synonymous with creation and creation, again, is the same as movement, and movement cannot be ascertained or correctly calculated except in its relation to a fixed point, then all analyses of temporal things which do not express their relation to eternity will thus remain merely temporal and consequently transient. Such analyses we call "relative".
      It is obvious that relative analyses cannot constitute lasting cultural foundations. Relative analyses are actually analyses in which what is seen depends upon the eye that sees it. That which is analysed is seen clearly or dimly according to whether the analyser's sense organs are effective or ineffective, or, in other words, perfect or imperfect.
      It is not difficult to understand that relative perceptions of the same thing may differ greatly from each other. One need only compare the idea of water which is held by a man dying of thirst in the dryness of the desert, with the concept of the same thing held by a man drowning in the ocean. The two concepts about water which one has here are not the true analyses of water but on the contrary only an analysis of the two persons' unfortunate situations. Relative analyses of the Universe, or of cosmic phenomena, are similarly more like analysing their authors' provisional, temporary condition and their dependence on position, wealth, honour, suffering and material good fortune or ill fortune, rather than analysing those cosmic realities they profess to express.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 9
The Combination of the Basic Energies