Livets Bog, vol. 1
When substances consist of spiritual energy. The thought climates of earthly science consist of the energies of gravity and intelligence and latent feeling energy and as a result are of a materialistic nature. Terrestrial people as "sleeping" beings in regard to spiritual planes of existence as long as science is only of a physical nature. Terrestrial mankind's unconscious spiritual bodies as being identical with the subconscious. When the subconscious bodies become day-conscious
181. Just as all other created realities in existence are made up of substance or matter, so too are thoughts and thought climates composed of matter. But as this substance is of a spiritual nature we do not call it "matter"; here we define these substances as "forces", "energies", "waves" and "auras". In Livets Bog all forms of matter are expressed under the term "energies", in that there cannot be found any form of matter which in a deeper analysis is not the same as vibration or movement, and movement cannot exist without being an expression of energy. The thought climates which make up earthly knowledge or science consist mainly of intelligence energy and gravity energy based on an almost primitive feeling energy. This science is, therefore, of a purely material nature, which means that it consists of a knowledge attained through material or physical sensing and one which can only deal with the material or physical plane of existence. But since life or existence outside the physical plane also consists - as we shall see later - of five other planes of existence in which conscious life is not of a physical nature and therefore cannot be perceived with physical senses, so with regard to these planes of existence terrestrial man is in reality a dormant being to the same degree as his science is the expression or result of the above-mentioned combination of consciousness energies. Besides, as we shall also see later, there exists in terrestrial mankind's mind-body combination a set of organs or bodies for each of those planes of existence, and each of these bodies are mainly composed of that particular basic energy which governs the plane of existence to which it belongs, and so terrestrial man will also be quite unconscious in that area of his own bodily structure which does not consist of physical energy and therefore lies outside physical sensing. This means, then, that of the six bodies of manifestation he is actually "day-conscious" only in one, namely the physical. He is not aware of the others but he does begin to sense the existence of such a new area of consciousness and therefore expresses it with the term "subconscious". But it was from that "subconscious" that the physical body grew forth and became "day-conscious" which was how the animal itself came into existence. And now out of the "subconscious" a new body is growing forth to day-consciousness by which the "animal" will arise as "man" and so on continuously until all the individual's six bodies have emerged into the clear light of day-consciousness. Such a body entering into day-consciousness means that, with the help of the other bodies, the individual is able to observe and perceive, learning and experiencing in a permanent awake and clear state of consciousness, that plane of existence to which the body in question belongs. When the physical body became day-conscious in the individual, the latter began to be able to experience the physical plane, began to be able to experience the animal kingdom which is the zone where terrestrial mankind belongs. In the same way, when the body for that basic energy called "feeling" or "love" - which is actually the real human body - enters day-consciousness, so will the individual begin to experience the real human kingdom. The living being will thus participate in ever higher planes of existence as the subconscious bodies rise to day-consciousness.