Livets Bog, vol. 1
When the individual radiates pure love. The initiation to the real life and the true value of life
179. When the individual has reached so far in development that pure love radiates from him, he enters into a new phase of existence where he remains permanently receptive for the highest of the basic energies - intuition energy. This energy, as will be explained in subsequent analyses in Livets Bog, is the only basic energy in existence that is absolutely all-permeating, which means that through it the individual will be able to "see" the highest realities in existence - in other words, the true value of life itself. "Seeing" the true value of existence is brought about by the Great Birth, becoming thereby the initiation into the true life. But before individuals come so far they have to go through many different preliminary stages, where intelligence and feeling are not in harmony and have not reached an adequate refinement or dimension for that stage mentioned above. And we have just seen in Chapter 5 that these stages have characterized the human beings concerned in such a way that we could divide them up into the various categories and sections representing both the noble and the ignoble, both the physical - or materialistic - and incipiently spiritual forms of manifestation.