Livets Bog, vol. 1
The development of organs for an ennobled consciousness, that is an existence of loving
178. The development of living beings from animal to human consists then, of developing organs, or bodies, through which they can manifest themselves with the help of finer and finer energies or powers and thereby to some degree leave rough, hardy and deadly conditions and attain an ennobled conscious life, nearer and nearer to perfection with more beautiful forms of manifestation. It is in the difference between the lowest or most primitive people and the most advanced and refined that we have already the very visible result of that evolutionary process on the physical plane. But this evolutionary process is ever on the upward trend and hence a civilized person is on the way to becoming a real human being. The basic cosmic energy which has now begun to characterize the individual's development particularly is intelligence energy. But side by side with it there still exists gravity energy or the energy of suffering, and in connection with this the feeling energy will finally be ennobled so that it becomes harmonized with intelligence energy. There, where this harmony is at its highest peak, the combination of these two energies appears as pure love; in other words a manifestation is released which aims only at being for the benefit of other living beings without any consideration of the cost to the person concerned in terms of unpleasantness or suffering. This love should not be confused with married love or that which we refer to as "falling in love", which is, of course, of an inferior nature and has its origin merely in the reproductive organs and the instinct of self-preservation, thereby making it inherently selfish. Genuine love "does not seek its own" but is of the absolute essence, not in any way releasing itself in the expectation of gain or reward.