Livets Bog, vol. 1
Terrestrial mankind and the spiritual energies. Terrestrial mankind is led through the great commandment: "Love one another" towards spiritual energies and spiritual conditions
175. When a human being is capable of feeling antipathy towards creating suffering it is due to the fact that, through his own suffering during former lives, he has become more and more sensitive to finer energies and to finer tendencies in his mentality, which means that he begins to develop organs for manifesting a higher emotional life and a dawning intellectual life. And with the development of these organs or bodies it will become possible to be so sensitive and receptive of spiritual energy that the individual can live and have his being without being subject to the harsh and rigorous physical way of existence which finds expression as the animal kingdom or the zone of suffering. While the individual develops these organs little by little so that use can be made of the higher energies of feeling and intelligence in the right way, receptivity is growing for still higher energies, namely those of intuition and bliss, by which we mean those energies which make it possible to experience life outside the material plane, energies through which it is possible to experience gradually all the most outstanding spiritual and cosmic realities, powers, ideas and plans behind physical phenomena, also one's own immortal existence, memories from earlier lives and the identity of the universe as a living being. But as these energies are in such a swiftly vibrating state that even the most powerful forms of speed compared with cosmic movements or vibrations are to be regarded as practically inactive or immobile, one will be able to understand that they far transcend the limits of everything of a physical nature and are inaccessible to physical senses or physical research. They can, however, cast a weak reflection or impression into the physical world through the brain and the nervous system. But as these energies - because of their state of vibration - are not of a physical nature and therefore cannot be brought into such a contact with physical organs that through the latter they can be experienced fundamentally, then it is only through spiritual organs that they can be experienced. And to the same degree as the individual can develop these organs, so can he reach the possibility of reacting to finer and finer forms of feeling and intelligence. Therefore, the ideal for a progressing human being is concentrated in the great commandment: "Love one another" in that these words exactly constitute an exhortation to develop love which is identical with a harmonized combination of pure feeling and pure intelligence. Likewise, the same ideal, through the commandment: "Thou shalt not kill", is an exhortation to dissociate oneself from gravity energy which is the fundamental energy in the physical world - in other words, the mainspring for every form of brutality, harshness or cannibalism. So terrestrial mankind is moving out of a physical existence and in the direction of a spiritual world, which means that from being susceptible only to rough, drastic and stormy influences, it is on the way to being receptive to influences which are of softened and tranquil dimensions. From a state of sleep it will be awakened.