Livets Bog, vol. 1
The first type of religiousness promoting selfishness. The beginning of God worship. The first forms of heroic figures. The "dark morality" which gave birth to the "light morality"
174. Within the ranks of humanity on Earth fear and horror continue to work, creating more animation and consciousness in the individual's prayer for protection. Through this prayer the whole of his religious development gradually comes about. This development was again stimulated and supported by waves of energy from the Divine Creative Principle, described as "cosmic world impulses", the releasing mediums of which are known as "world redeemers". In the first stage of this development where fear still constituted the main driving force in the individual's daily conscious life, this development was bound to grow for the benefit of selfishness. For the individual it was a question of being in a position to overcome enemies, and because of shortcomings in this respect a Providence became necessary. By slow degrees the individual saw in that Providence a superior Being, one in its own image, but of course provided with all the supposed perfections he himself lacked. By sacrifices and ceremonies he tried to find favour with this Being with the object of obtaining support in overcoming difficulties. As these difficulties consisted of the problems of how to conquer bloodthirsty fellow beings, then all those who were equipped with special power and strength, and therefore had certain abilities for overthrowing and defeating enemies, became "heroic figures". And so it was that the current morality at that time was of a dark nature. The repercussions of this morality still course through the body of terrestrial mankind's community. But since the dark morality mainly consists of gravity energy and therefore promotes all kinds of suffering, and suffering again refines the emotional life (which is to say it develops the ability to feel sympathy, compassion and self-sacrifice), then that morality undermined itself according to how much suffering it brought about for the individual concerned so that the refinement could take place. However, this increasing growth of refinement gave rise to antipathy both for the dark morality and for consciously bringing about suffering. And it is this antipathy which is the beginning of that morality carried by the light radiation from the Divine Creative Principle which should now, through civilization and culture, lead mankind towards the Great Birth.