Livets Bog, vol. 1
The development of the first impressions of the existence of a Providence. The first buds of a new type of consciousness or a new kingdom
173. Gradually, as the animal experiences more and more of such dreadful scenes in one life after another, it becomes increasingly aware of its own terror-stricken cries, which, from being unconscious and instinctive, become consciously released. And thus, through fear, impulses arise in the animal's consciousness which slowly develop into a dawning impression of an existing Providence. And as we mentioned before, with these dawning impressions there is born in that living being a new side to the mentality associated with religious feeling, by virtue of which it is specifically manifesting itself as a terrestrial person and thereby constituting the embryo of the true, or cosmic, human being. Cries of fear, then, exhibit the first frail germs or seeds out of which a new side of mentality comes into being, and out of that arises a new kingdom.