Livets Bog, vol. 1
Gravity energy bound by love energy. The terrestrial human community beginning to meet the atmosphere of the zone of love
169. Thus terrestrial people find themselves in a zone of development where feeling energy and intelligence energy fight for supremacy against gravity energy. As gravity energy is the main factor in the animal kingdom or material world, and the two other forms of energy constitute the basic factors in the kingdom succeeding the animal kingdom - namely the real human kingdom - we see how it is precisely the conquest of animal tendencies and the development of human tendencies which take place here. And as people gradually approach the level of the real human kingdom, feeling and intelligence enter into greater and greater harmony, becoming tuned more and more to love energy. This will then bind the gravity energy, and the real human kingdom, or zone of love, will appear. As terrestrial mankind in its development gradually comes closer and closer to that zone, it will also realize more and more strongly the atmosphere or subtle pervasive quality which - with certain intervals - passes over mankind in large waves or impulses. We have learned to know these impulses under the term "cosmic world impulses", and have also learned that just at the present time our Earth is meeting with a great new impulse of that kind, just as it is still, to a certain degree, ruled by a former impulse described under the term "old world impulse".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 4