Livets Bog, vol. 1
Intolerance and the cosmic basic energies; gravity, feeling and intelligence
168. As we have already indicated, intolerance comes to the same thing as hatred, anger and indignation. But as all such factors emanate from, or represent, a cosmic basic energy with which we shall be acquainted later under the term "gravity energy", the nature of which should be characterized as explosive - that is to say that in all manifestations where this energy is dominating it causes destruction, severance, war, manslaughter, murder, bodily mutilation and all types of illness - then this should confirm that intolerance does in fact for the most part consist of gravity energy. As a counterweight to this energy there is another cosmic energy which we shall later come to know under the term "feeling energy". The nature of this energy will be defined as adhesive or joining together. Where this energy, combined with intelligence energy (also a cosmic basic energy having the effect of binding together gravity energy), gains the upper hand over gravity energy, there will arise all those types of manifestations we express as love, harmony, beauty, peace and true happiness. Where the energy of gravity gains the upper hand over intelligence and feeling in an individual's mentality, there dark manifestations will arise. If that individual has too much feeling in relation to his intelligence, then the dark manifestations become of a religious nature, just as in the same way, they will become of a materialistic nature when the individual has too much intelligence in relation to his feeling. On the other hand, when these two forms of energy are equally represented in the individual's mentality they will be released as love energy. This again will be able to neutralize or bind together, more or less, the effects of gravity energy, depending on the state of that individual's intelligence and feeling in a more or less advanced stage of development.
      In the final zones of evolution within the animal kingdom - that is to say, where terrestrial mankind finds itself just now - it is especially those three basic forms of energy that react on each other. This reaction is activated through the human beings present in those zones. Their manifestations will therefore appear as a mixture of evil and good, hatred and love, war and peace, destruction and construction. But gradually, as intelligence and feeling gain more and more of a foothold in the individual's consciousness, finding their equilibrium and being released as love, in other words conquering gravity energy, then the Great Birth will take place for those individuals and a transfigured existence will begin to enter the terrestrial zone.
      With regard to the cosmic basic energies, there will of course be a close study of these in later parts of Livets Bog; therefore a further analysis of them will not be made here except in connection with intolerance.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 4