Livets Bog, vol. 1
A high degree of tolerance and understanding is necessary for those people who wish to participate in guiding the world forward to better conditions
167. The daily life of terrestrial people shows with exceptional clarity that they have not yet advanced further in development than to feel intolerance and ill will to a wide extent towards each other, whether in materialistic or religious fields. Hence, it is all the more necessary that human beings who wish to participate in guiding the world forward to better conditions - those who will represent the new world impulse - are able to practise tolerance and understanding to a very high degree. So by means of Symbol No. 4 we will try to give a cosmic survey of the effects of hatred and intolerance among mankind, and by doing so we may stimulate the genuine seeker of Truth in his efforts to become fully in harmony with that impulse.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 4