Livets Bog, vol. 1
Release from the feeling of intolerance is necessary in order to approach the higher zones of consciousness
165. Any human being who is aiming for higher and more refined zones of consciousness must free himself completely from tendencies to be intolerant or to dislike other people. He must learn to understand that when an individual is not responsive to higher theoretical guidance or tuition but shows disapproval, then it is an indication that such tuition is on too high a level for that individual, and that the disapproval should not be further stimulated by insistence about one's knowledge - on the contrary, one should fully understand that such a person lacks a link in his chain of experiences which can only be replaced by life itself, which means by his own personal practical experiences. Nevertheless, this should not prevent one from showing such a person all practical consideration and kindness, although naturally any form of theorizing must be avoided.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 4