Livets Bog, vol. 1
Symbol No. 4
Description of the analysis in the fifth chapter
158. As the purpose of the foregoing main sections and symbols in the fifth chapter has been to give an analysis only of the various factors of terrestrial mankind's consciousness, determining its exercise of will and its attitude for or against the religious aspects of life - towards the old or the new world impulse - then that analysis will not express fully all the many other factors which influence its mental complexities. Such an adequate analysis would demand a classification of individuals into many more categories and sections than we have found necessary here in the Introduction. This kind of fundamental analysis dealing with terrestrial mankind's whole manifestation of consciousness, thought climates and formation of character, as well as material and spiritual sense-organs, bodies and so forth, will be dealt with successively in later sections of Livets Bog. As already mentioned, the analysis we have here is presented as a contributory factor in opening the individual's eyes to the foolishness of releasing intolerance of any kind, because it is that foolishness itself which must be brought to awareness, and the intolerance thereby combated by the individual personally before the fundamental experience of the Great Birth can be attained and thereby a permanently enlightened existence and participation in life.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 4