Livets Bog, vol. 1
Summary of the second category in Group A
152. The next figure expresses a human being of the second category in Group A. Here the figure's yellow area is more dominating than the green, which denotes that those people within the second category have the faculty of feeling too strongly developed in relation to the faculty of intelligence. We have subdivided this category into six sections representing a zone of development reaching from the Great Birth's forecourt down to the border areas of the old world impulse. The most refined of these people - like those in the first category - will be receptive to the new world impulse and become its true intimates and supporters. Also belonging to the second category are especially those people we call "artists". But there are also some here who, because of their primitive faculty of intelligence in relation to feeling appear more or less as "fanatics", as self-induced and self-appointed founders of sects, or supposed religious reformers, making their own imaginative fantasies into new dogmas. Other people here can, on the other hand, be fanatic adherents of new religious societies. Within the second category there occurs particularly the "zone of infertility and unhappy marriages", in other words the zone of "degeneration". And in the area of the second category is the beginning of resistance to the new world impulse.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 3
The Categories of Consciousness in Terrestrial Man