The Ideal Food
Chapter 7
Objections against the discontinuance of animal and narcotic food, and their refutation
For many of my readers my pointing out incorrect nutrition will quite naturally give rise to various objections. There are people who think that there would be far too many animals if people did not eat them. But such an objection can arise only from sources who have absolutely no profound insight into the divine world order, for, if they had, they would see that the number of living beings is regulated in completely different ways. The same forces that regulate the animals in the sea, the hosts of insects and the myriads of other beings outside the reach of mankind also embrace and regulate the beings within mankind's area and field of activity. That people should be overrun by sheep, cattle and pigs because they stopped eating them could never become a fact, particularly since all artificial breeding of them would stop. What has fallen to mankind's lot to regulate of the number of living beings on the earth is in reality but insignificant beside the true regulating factor – the spiritual atmosphere of the earth – since this is the direct promoting factor in the earth's ability to attract and repel, this constituting in turn, according to cosmic analyses, the basis for the earth's astronomical position and thereby for its climate. Consequently, the spiritual atmosphere becomes decisive for all nutrition and possibilities for existence, and thereby for the number of living beings on the planet as well.
      Another strong objection will be concerned with the question of what will happen to the means of existence of the many thousands of people whose livelihood is based on employment within the large businesses or concerns providing the population's supply of those stimulants containing drugs and alcohol, and their supply of animal products. Those who raise this objection are victims of the notion that all these people would become destitute if everyone suddenly turned away from narcotic and animal sources of nutrition. But such a notion will, on closer observation, likewise show itself to be an expression of quite a superficial view and has nothing to do with absolute reality. Evolution takes place according to particular, eternal, hair fine, unshakable laws. Among other things this means that it cannot occur by fits and starts but absolutely has to follow a quite slowly ascending scale of small steps from imperfection to perfection. Of these steps, which are so microscopic that a single one can hardly be distinguished from the one lying immediately above and the one lying immediately below, none can be jumped over, but must be experienced by every living being. A lion cannot suddenly become an ape, just as an ape cannot suddenly become a civilised human being. Such a process of transformation can take place absolutely only through an immensely long and, in a single incarnation, quite unnoticeable process of evolution or transformation. As people's conditions of nutrition or consumption are also a question of evolution, these too cannot possibly be changed in an instant. Little as the narcotic-animal source of nutrition and the great firms and expensive installations connected with it, which in technical skill are approaching the highest form of genius, could have come into existence in one day, but have done so through the daily life and activities of many generations, just as little can the new source of nutrition suited to and adapted for human beings, together with the firms and installations suited to this, come into existence suddenly, but only through the gradually ascending evolution of generations. There are therefore no tobacco companies, no breweries for the making of alcoholic beverages, no slaughterhouses, no cattle-breeding businesses or any other firms pertaining to the narcotic-animal sources of nutrition that will be ruined or go out of business because of mankind's sudden transition to the new source of nutrition, for such a sudden transition is an absolute impossibility. People are spread over far too many different steps in evolution for them to change to the new source of nutrition at the same time. The transition to this can therefore occur only gradually by one person after the other – as they reach further in evolution through their disease and sufferings, through their experiences, through their intelligence and feeling – coming to feel and experience the imperfection in the old, animal source of nutrition. However, this gradual transition is no new phenomenon but a reality that is already developing fully and is apparent in daily life. To go against this is hopeless; it would be the same as going against thunder and lightning; it would be the same as trying to change the course of the earth and the position of the sun in the universe. Everyone has therefore reason to feel quite calm, for the transition to the source of nutrition will not take shape in such a way as to become a nuisance or something unfortunate for people. It is a natural process that every terrestrial human being inevitably must meet and go through in order to become the true "God-man" in the same way as he once had to meet and come to know the animal source of nutrition in order to be an expression of genius in the animal form of existence.
      In reference to my description of the consequences of the animal source of nutrition, the question of how "everything can be very good" if these consequences are true might arise. But here I must refer the reader to "Livets Bog". I can, however, say that all beings must of necessity go through darkness and sufferings, for without the experience of darkness, there would be no experience of light. Darkness is thus a divine arrangement. The question is only: Who should elicit or manifest this darkness? Providence or the Godhead must use those beings who by nature are best suited, which means those beings whose ability to love is still so primitive or latent that this way of manifesting darkness is still their greatest pleasure or happiness and thereby a vital necessity for them. By virtue of their unfolding of darkness, however, these beings are bound to the zones of darkness or suffering. But, as the effects of their dark way of manifesting or existing fall back on themselves in the form of great sufferings and states of unhappiness, a weak longing for a more perfect and purer existence will begin to develop in them. A vague feeling of a higher plane of existence will thus begin to dawn in their innermost layers of consciousness. And it is for the beings at this dawning that these lines are written. In the obvious beasts of prey no such dawning is to be found, and not in the consciousness of the most primitive human blood- and meat-eaters either. Here the notion that the human being cannot live without meat is still unshakable; that is, he is in the same condition of existence as the beast of prey. Talking to these people would be hopeless, but one can naturally be entirely tolerant towards their view of life, for they have too small an ability to love to be able to understand, and they must therefore for a time elicit those causes, in the form of blood- and meat-eating, that will sooner or later overshadow them with that quantity of suffering they still lack so that they can have a perfect ability to love and thereby an absolute disgust at being instruments for the eliciting of the killing principle or suffering. This book would thus not be understood or accepted by these beings and is therefore intended only to be received by those beings who have already begun to feel antipathy or disgust towards all slaughter and killing, but who, because of insufficient information, still find themselves among the ranks of corpse-eaters. My words are thus directed towards those beings who long for a higher and purer form of existence and whose entire attitude of consciousness is concerned with transforming themselves so as to be fit for being pervaded by the very highest energy of consciousness or "the holy spirit"; to beings who have a real hunger and thirst for knowing "what they should do in order to be blessed". My words are for those beings who want to train themselves to be the highest instruments for the unfolding of wisdom and love, and who wish to take part in making "the kingdom of God" or the real human kingdom a fact on Earth. For those that have the ability to see it, my words are a scientific supplement to those of Christ to Nicodemus – "Without being born anew of water and the spirit one cannot enter the kingdom of God".
      "The kingdom of God" is that kingdom in which there is no "crying or torment", it is that kingdom in which "righteousness lives". This in turn means the kingdom that I, in "Livets Bog", refer to as "the real human kingdom".
      As the individual's physical body consists mainly of water, being born again of "water" is the same as being born in a new physical body. But a new physical body does not mean merely a new incarnation but a new kind of physical body. This new kind of physical body is "the real human body", which is at the moment developing rapidly, precisely because of the very disgust growing in the individual for the eating of corpses, or blood- and meat-eating. "The real human being" can only love his neighbour as himself, and, as a consequence of this, cannot possibly have, as a condition of his existence, the eating of the organisms of his fellow-beings, or their death and mutilation.
      As spirit is the same as consciousness, being born anew of the "spirit" is the same as being born with a new consciousness. But if this new consciousness is of the same kind as the old one, it will, just as well as the latter, be without influence on the incorporation of the individual into "the Kingdom of Heaven". The words of Christ express therefore not only a new consciousness but also a new kind of consciousness. This new kind of consciousness is "cosmic consciousness" or "the holy spirit". As "holy" is a term for the highest purity, and this in turn is the same as true love, and love in turn is the highest life-giving principle and the opposite of the killing principle, which is a vital necessity in the animal consciousness, being "born of the spirit" is the same as being born to "the real human consciousness". The words of Christ converted to a modern scientific form can be expressed as follows: "If the physical body of the terrestrial human being is not changed from an animal body to a human body, and if the same being does not change his animal consciousness to 'cosmic consciousness' or 'the holy spirit', he can never become a perfect subject in 'the real human kingdom' but must still belong to the zone of the killing principle or the animal kingdom and there be subject to its dark form of existence."
      For this reason the divine voice says to today's mankind: "Blessed are they that turn away from the killing principle and have begun to make love a vital necessity, for they are on their way towards a glorified existence. Through them the 'kingdom of God' will arise on the Earth."