The Ideal Food
Chapter 6
The influence of unsuitable nourishment on the creation of the fate of its source
Hell is not a prison in the form of a glowing fireplace somewhere or other fit for the eternal incineration of living beings but, on the contrary, appears as a very well known reality in daily life since all illness, sorrow and pain are hell. Absolutely no other hell exists. Since illness, sorrow and pain, or all misery, are the expression of the effects of elicited actions that have not been in contact with the eternal laws by virtue of which the universe is maintained, Hell is thus the same as the collected disharmony in existence. As the terrestrial human being does not constitute a completely developed human being but in many fields is still ignorant of these eternal laws, he lives in a constant violation of these. As violation can occur only through a force radiating from the individual, and since no force or energy, according to "Livets Bog", can go in a straight line but must move in circular paths, of necessity returning to its source, the energy elicited by every form of violation will return to its source, causing this source a corresponding disharmony. This source will thereby become subject to, or the victim of, the same fate as that which he has inflicted on his surroundings or fellow-beings. Since all slaughter and all consumption of blood and meat cannot possibly take place without meaning unnatural death and terror for those beings whose organisms are sacrificed, then the blood- and meat-eater cannot possibly be exempt from sooner or later meeting the effects of this greater or lesser complicity in generating a dark fate for these said beings. Since the effects described, from the time they are elicited until they return to their source, must sometimes negotiate an immeasurably long passage or circular course in the universe, they are often several hundreds of years en route, despite the fact that they move with a speed far exceeding that of light and ordinary radio waves. This in turn means that people who are today taking part in slaughtering or fishing, or who in any other way are killing animals, will not, in many cases, meet the main effect of their action in their present life, but in later lives. Here one must remember that all living beings are eternal realities and have thus always existed, but of course in successive organisms or bodies, since these consist of substance and therefore, like other material realities, machines and tools, must continually be renewed, for they gradually become old and worn out. However, when these effects return to the individual they will mix with his radiation and state of being, thereby causing pain and suffering. So they become the causes, albeit invisible to and concealed from the ordinary terrestrial human being, of his involvement in war, mutilation, manslaughter, murder and so on. In the same way the great majority of the people on earth in their present physical lives are subject to or victims of the main effects of their blood- and meat-eating in previous existences, at the same time as they are of course also subject to the effects of their other actions or manifestations from previous lives. No being can thus escape the effects of his imperfect actions. But this is nothing but divine. For if the opposite were the case, all evolution would thereby have ceased, and death, instead of life, would rule the universe.
      It is a matter of course that I cannot here go into detail about the creation of fate itself and must therefore refer the reader to "Livets Bog". I must, however, point out that the above is not in any way mere speculation or theory but is real fact; the circular paths of the rays creating fate can be observed moving through the universe through higher occult senses with the same ease as physical realities can be observed through physical senses.
      In addition to the main effect of blood- and meat-eating there is also a secondary effect. The waves of energy promoting these effects follow only very short paths. The said effects are therefore brought about immediately; that is, they begin at the same time as the digestion of the animal products in question. These secondary effects are usually microscopic, so to speak, and are not noticed when the products are socalled "fresh goods". But through continuous consumption they have an undermining effect on the organism and are therefore all the more dangerous since they are concealed or hidden, appearing only in their culmination in the form of organic illness. These effects are produced by the excessive difference between the internal vibration of the "corpse-substances" and the vibration of the living organism in which they have been absorbed as nourishment. When this difference is maintained constantly, which occurs through a continuous consumption of blood and meat, the vibration of the corpse-substances will finally overcome that of the organism, the individual concerned thereby to a corresponding degree losing control over the normal functioning of the organism. Where the vibration of the corpse-substances is the stronger the organism is defenceless against the invasion of foreign bodies (germs and bacteria), since the vibration of these are in harmony with that of the corpse-substances; they have thus nothing to overcome in order to take over all or part of the organism. And where the organism has in this way become defeated it displays a more or less conspicuous life-threatening organic illness. And it is such an undermining of the organism's normal vibration, partly in the form of blood- and meat-eating and partly in the form of drug-use and other unfortunate forms of nutrition and care that are the absolute cause of any form of illness whatsoever, whether it be tuberculosis, cancer, abscesses, arthritis, gall stones, kidney stones, excessive obesity, heart weakness, abnormal blood pressure, anaemia, digestive and eliminative problems or the like.
      Neither narcotic stimulants in all their forms nor the consumption of blood and meat can exist without the promotion of one's own all-too-premature death. But a being precipitating or promoting his own death is committing "suicide". Every human being who has not yet come into contact or harmony with the natural source of nourishment is thus, by virtue of his consumption of blood and meat, not only taking part in murdering his fellow-beings but is also taking part, even if slowly, in murdering himself. He is both a "murderer" and a "suicide", and so to the greatest extent represents the breaking of the fifth commandment and the undermining of the eternal basis for a perfect life: Thou shalt not kill. Such an individual is still the expression of, or the representative of, heathendom and must to a corresponding degree be subject to the laws and consequences of this; he must be encumbered with illness and sufferings quite regardless of whether he is a "priest", a "bishop" or a "pope", or how much he calls himself "Christian", "holy", "converted", "blessed", "orthodox" or the like. No individual will experience the really great overshadowing by "the holy spirit" or the fundamental form of "the great birth" and the glorified existence as a "God-like man" elicited by this as long as he is still hungering for the flesh and blood of other beings, as long as he is still both a murderer and a suicide. And this being must therefore in the same space of time to a corresponding degree still lack "cosmic consciousness" or the real ability to "see God".