The Ideal Food
Chapter 31
Some hints to the beginner vegetarian
To give instructions for combinations or compositions of vegetarian products or the preparation of vegetarian dishes lies, as previously mentioned, entirely outside my mission or task, since in this particular area there is now a whole literature with tables and chemical analyses written by capable experts. I would suggest only that the dishes be as simple as possible. Enjoy them preferably without strong spices and get entirely away from "big dinners" with many courses and all the superfluous alcoholic or poisonous drinks and sweet desserts. One or at most two vegetarian dishes and a single glass of water or fruit juice do not over-exert the organism and promote the highest level of health and physical well-being. For the beginner vegetarian healthy, fresh milk can also be recommended since it, like fruit-flesh, contains mainly B life-units. Do not, however, forget that the ideal food for the terrestrial human being mentioned here is not the final goal, but that evolution goes on and determines that coarse vegetable products must also gradually be left behind, just as the animal meat and blood products must now be left behind, and that the growth of love guides the human being forward to the maintaining of his existence through products for whose life-units it means life to be assimilated as nourishment in an organism, and where no promotion of the killing principle can thereby be elicited.