The Ideal Food
Chapter 30
Why pure fruit-flesh will be the food of the future human being
With this we have come through the most important, principal analyses of the terrestrial human being's nourishment. These analyses have shown us that the ideal food, or the food that is most in harmony with the highest and moral laws and the new view of the world, is that which consists of vegetarian products. Of these fruit-flesh constitutes the highest, since its content of A life-units is extremely limited, the B life-units, for which it is vitally essential to be assimilated as nourishment in an organism, thereby preponderating to a corresponding degree. Pure fruit-flesh as a means of nourishment will therefore be in contact with the observance of the great commandment of love, and will therefore exclusively become the food for the perfect being of love or the future human being. As the terrestrial human being has still not reached such a stage in evolution but still finds himself on the road towards this, he cannot yet live entirely on fruit-flesh alone but must, as previously mentioned, eat such products as belong to the killing principle. But with ascending moral evolution or growing humaneness the terrestrial human being moves more and more away from animal nourishment and moves, either consciously or unconsciously, towards the aforesaid highest food. This transition, however, cannot go in leaps and bounds, but only by the organism gradually getting used to the products we have described as the ideal food for the human being of today.  


The vibrations of the ideal food
The round figure in the uppermost corner to the left signifies the human being as a "life-unit". The stair-formation to the right signifies a section of the ladder of evolution of all living beings. The lowest step signifies the zone in evolution where the beasts of prey are. The next step signifies the zone to which the terrestrial human being at present belongs. And the following step symbolises the area of "the real human kingdom". On the lowest step to the right one of the life-units making up "meat products", which are the food of the beasts of prey, is shown. The life-unit on the next step constitutes one of the life-units making up kernel, root and leaf products, which are the proper main source of nourishment for the terrestrial human being. The third life-unit comes from fruit-flesh, which is the highest food in the first zone of the real human kingdom.
      The dark area in the meat life-unit constitutes that part of it that consists of "A life-units", or the life-units that are not suitable for assimilation as nourishment into an organism and for which this assimilation means death. These life-units therefore resist this assimilation in a natural way. Their collected vibration, which is shown on the picture as a zigzag line, is therefore far too strong for the human organism, whose vibration is shown on the next step in the form of the dotted zigzag line. If one looks at the symbol for the life-unit on the same step one will see that the dark area here is relatively smaller than in the meat life-unit. This means that the A life-units are not nearly as numerous as the B life-units. And as the process of killing, as a consequence of this, is not nearly as great as with the assimilation of these products into the organism, it is this that determines that it is more ethical, more in harmony with the law of existence for the progressive human being to use these products as food, just as the vibration from these, as shown in the picture, is much closer to the vibration of the human organism than the vibration of the meat life-unit.
      On the next step we see that the symbol for the fruit life-unit does not have any dark area. This means that there are no A life-units here. There is, however, a small percentage of B life-units in the skin of the fruit that cannot be assimilated into the organism, but these are conducted undamaged and alive through it. All the remaining life-units are assimilated alive into the organism and continue their natural development in it. There will therefore not be any particular unnatural resistance from these life-units for the human organism to overcome. As this, however, through the force of habit involving meat and coarse vegetarian food, is trained to practise a far greater manifestation of power than is necessary for the assimilation of fruit-flesh as nourishment, the vibration of this organism, as shown on the picture, is a little too strong for the fruit-flesh, which is why it cannot as yet constitute the main source of nourishment for the terrestrial human being. On the picture this is expressed by the fact that the zigzag line here is somewhat smaller than the zigzag line for the human vibration.
      From the symbol of the human being as a life-unit in the upper left-hand corner there are three dotted lines leading down, each to their own particular step. This symbolises merely that the terrestrial human being's field of nutrition stretches from the meat life-units, via the root, kernel and leaf products to the pure fruit-flesh. Of these the lighter or milder forms of root, kernel and leaf products will therefore constitute the temporary ideal food for the terrestrial human being. Here a growing habituation to fruit-flesh must be taken into account, which will exclusively become the ideal food for the perfect or completely evolved human being in the first zones of the real human kingdom and thereby make him a divine aspirant to later and even higher zones, where this food will then again be replaced by a one hundred per cent "air-nutrition". The lungs will thus ultimately come to take over the entire process of nutrition, and the human being will then have left behind all the coarse physical forms of existence and have come into a zone where his organism will no longer have to obtain its nourishment from corpses through a process of putrefaction or decomposition, will not have to be a well of sewage or a means of conveyance for stinking excrement or waste products, but will be exclusively a manifestation of the fact that here too the great creating power of love has also overcome all difficulties or all the forms of trouble that today bind the human being to the primitive sphere of sickliness and illness.