The Ideal Food
Chapter 27
"The ideal food" for the human being of today
I have with this hinted at the course of evolution towards "the real human food". As the terrestrial human being in evolution has not reached so far as to constitute a real or finished human being, but to a certain degree still belongs to the zone of the killing principle, "the real human food" cannot be said to constitute entirely "the ideal food" for the same being. This means that his organism is not yet so advanced in evolution that it is completely adapted to pure fruit-flesh. While the vibrations of the organisms mentioned are really too weak to process the animal food, they are still too strong to deal with fruit-flesh alone. So the ideal food for the human being of today will, in addition to a certain quantity of fruit-flesh, be something between animal flesh and fruit-flesh. It is therefore important here not to get the idea that the being in question can live exclusively on fruit-flesh. The present organism of the terrestrial human being is as yet (even if it really has grown away from nutrition based on animal flesh) all the same according to the power of habit equipped to a certain extent to be a residence for the process of decomposition and the passage of the remains of corpses. Its entire digestive system, its stomach and intestines, is still based on the transport of a certain quantity of waste and absolutely only a natural evolution, which means a slow habituation over hundreds of years, will be able to change people's digestive organs so as to be one hundred per cent adapted to pure fruit-flesh. A sudden transition to living entirely on fruit-flesh would be such an assault, such a breach of the laws of Nature that its consequences border on the destruction of the organism. Such refined food belongs to the "real human being" or the finished God-like human being in the same way as universal love is the innate main characteristic of the same being. So the terrestrial human being must, in accordance with the nature of his organism, still eat impure food or extract its nutritional life-units through a process of killing and the decomposition of corpses. But this does not of course alter the fact that his evolution carries with it another fact: that he, to an increasing degree, must seek his nourishment among such products as will less and less require the ghastly process described above and that he is thus, in the area of nutrition, also on his way towards his temporary goal and highest ideal: "the consummate God-like human being".