The Ideal Food
Chapter 26
The present and the future
As the fully ripe fruit-flesh constitutes the future absolutely right human food, or the food that will prevent all nutritional diseases and make the human organism's state of vibration such that it can unhindered vibrate in contact with "the holy spirit" (which means that the organism's brain and nervous system can vibrate unhindered in the highest and finest thought-materials the individual thereby becoming enriched with the highest wisdom) evolution will gradually guide all the energy people now use on animal nutrition over to vegetarian nutrition. This will in turn mean that in the coming world order, instead of the present great slaughter-houses and cattle breeding establishments one will find huge concerns whose function will be to promote the improvement of plants and the evolution of edible fruit-flesh. This will in turn lead to the gradual development of fruits of simply fantastic dimensions compared with today's known species. Evolution will therefore lead to today's agriculture becoming horticulture. The waving cornfields will become flourishing orchards.
      As this form of nutrition will not require nearly as much space as the present form, the surplus land will be converted into large public parks. From magnificent groves with great lawns, fountains, flower beds, canals, arched bridges, works of art on exhibition, pavilions and so on, one will look back at the barbarism of the past. One will read with horror about man's eating of corpses, about how the human beings' love for animals on a large scale was merely a cannibal's love of meat. In wonderful museums great axes, sheath knives, butcher's knives, sporting-guns, fish-hooks and other instruments of murder will speak their silent language to people of the future about the primitive mentality of the past. In a disease-free existence one will, in historical works, read with a shudder of disgust about the sick mankind of today, its tuberculosis, cancer, kidney troubles, gall-stones, arteriosclerosis, organic heart disease, digestive troubles, nervousness and so on, and in truth have the words of Jesus confirmed – that his kingdom was not of this world.