The Ideal Food
Chapter 23
Why vegetarian food is a healthier source of nutrition than animal food
In accordance with the above one will in the new world culture go more and more into the question of the ideal food. As all the substances and materials with which we must of necessity come into contact are alive, and as we, by our cooperation with these substances, can inflict suffering and pain upon these life-units or give them a natural evolution and happiness in the same way as we, by our co-operation with the otherwise recognised, physically visible living beings or fellow beings can inflict suffering upon them or bring them happiness, I will here point out the substances whose life-units attain a natural evolution as nourishment in the human organism, and those whose life-units attain an unnatural evolution through the same process.
      As I mentioned previously, vegetarian food constitutes a state of vibration which, by its nature, is adapted to the human organism's own vibration, while animal food, with the exception of milk, constitutes a state of vibration which is too close in evolution to the human's own vibration. This in turn means that between the life-units of the vegetarian food and the life-unit that is made up of the whole human being or individual there is a suitable distance in evolution. The intrinsic vibration of this individual is thereby sufficiently superior to the vegetarian state of vibration. So there will be no particular, unnatural resistance for the human organism to overcome when converting the correct vegetarian products into nourishment. It is quite a different matter with animal food, whose life-units have come further on the ladder of evolution and are therefore closer to the human being's identity as a life-unit. As a consequence of this, these foodstuffs or substances represent a correspondingly stronger or coarser state of vibration than the vegetarian sources of nourishment. Since the human organism, as a result of its development, has reached so far that it is adapted or attuned to the vegetarian state of vibration, a state of vibration that is coarser or relatively stronger than this will come to constitute a resistance to the human organism. The same organism has in reality grown away from the level of the beast of prey and does not have an organism that, like this being's, is built for the release of such a strong state of vibration that animal food does not constitute an unnatural resistance. But let me say in this connection that even if the animal food suits the beast of prey this does not, all the same, prevent the life-units in the same food experiencing being killed and mutilated when being absorbed as nourishment into the organism of the animal in question. But it is precisely this circumstance that constitutes one of the great factors making the zone of the beast of prey a lower plane of existence, an imperfect experience of life. And to the same extent as the human being represents the same level he too is also an expression of imperfection.
      For the human being animal food is therefore too resistant. This in turns causes the human being, in order to digest this food, to use a reserve of strength that he in reality, because of his development, is neither mentally nor physically any longer able to use without risk to health or the existence normal to his step in evolution. And it is the reaction of the production of this perpetual reserve of strength, this permanent overburdening of the organism that, as mentioned previously, is the basis of all organic illnesses. It is true that the human being is not yet so advanced that it can eat such vegetarian food as would guarantee him immunity to illness, but vegetarian food, even in its coarsest form, will, nevertheless, reduce the percentage of illness quite significantly and produce a quite different powerful, healthy physical well-being than the animal food, and will thus be one of the inevitable main factors on the road towards a more beautiful, purer and clearer experience of life. It is the indispensable admission card to a glorified existence.