The Ideal Food
Chapter 20
When "living" things are regarded as "dead"
As all living beings in the form of life-units are "substance", and all substance in the form of "life-units" is living beings, an absolute lifelessness would thus be an impossibility in the universe. But as lifelessness is an impossibility, absolutely "dead things" will also be an impossibility. But when "dead things" are an impossibility, disharmony will certainly arise in such fields where an individual regards "living things" as "dead", and of necessity treats them accordingly. It is this abnormality that to a far too great extent holds true in the fields where the terrestrial human being deals with substance or matter, and particularly where he has to choose the substances for his nourishment and the maintenance of his organism. And on the basis of this illusion he comes to "sin" or act wrongly against himself as well as against the small beings or life-units in the substances or its intake of food, drink and so on. I will therefore later point out the matter or the substances consisting of life-units that to a particular degree suit the human organism, that is to a particular degree achieve, not a mutilating or deadly, but a perfect or natural existence by being consumed as nourishment in the above-mentioned organism, whereby there arises for the human being concerned an unmistakable way out of the dark barbarism of heathendom or the traditions of killing in the area of nutrition, which, through the present book, have been shown to constitute the most profound cause of the opposite of all absolute heath or of the joy and happiness that must of necessity be among the basic pillars in a sustained peace on earth.