The Ideal Food
Chapter 19
As the "life-unit" constitutes matter's "primordial substance" the universe becomes identical to an ocean of "eternal life"
Through the symbol just described we have gained insight into the living being's principle of life and have, through its analysis, come to the finest, absolute definition of what the matter or substance in existence can be divided into, namely "the life-unit". Life-units are thus the basic analysis of any substance whatsoever. They are the highest division into fine particles of all matter and so constitute existence's absolutely only primordial substance.
      But as this primordial substance, in the form of living beings or independent particles of life itself or "the living" in the universe, constitutes the creating basis of everything that can be manifested and sensed in microcosmos as well as in macrocosmos, the identity of the universe as an all-embracing ocean of life is, through the principle of life-units, guaranteed as an eternal, unchangeable fact.
      It is this fact that is revealed in every form of movement, in every form of transformation, in every form of creation. It is upon this fact that "the tooth of time", as well as the decomposition process of corpses, is based. If the substance were not life, an eternal stillness would be the true fundamental analysis of the universe; no movement whatsoever would be possible. But without movement there can be no manifestation, and without manifestation the universe would be identical to an eternal, absolute death. An eternal "nothing" would have replaced the life now existing, the life that, as a fact, in the form of life-units or living beings, sparkles and radiates, identical to all things; the life in which all things live, move and have their being.