The Ideal Food
Chapter 17
The principle of life-units in the universe
In order to become acquainted with these life-units we must first become acquainted with the basic principle of the life-unit itself. In order to simplify access to this I have made the attached symbol. The round figure as a whole symbolizes a living being's appearance as a life-unit. The innermost white round field with the triangle signifies the I of the same being. But an I cannot exist or experience life except by virtue of organs or bodies; and the living being has then also, according to "Livets Bog", six such general organs or bodies. Of these only the physical body is fundamentally experienced by the terrestrial human being, while the other bodies in the individual's physical existence, which are of a spiritual nature, step into the background as "sub-consciousness" and have their seat in the "eternal body", also mentioned in "Livets Bog". This entire combination of bodies is shown on the symbol as the dark ring encircling the round, white field. Within this ring we see eight circular figures that are each similar to the entire picture or main symbol. These figures signify the organs in the physical body of the individual. These organs are, according to "Livets Bog", "living beings" and thus each constitute a life-unit. The fact that there are eight figures in the symbol is randomly chosen and does not signify the actual number of the living being's organs, since this is far greater in each living being.  

Symbol of the principle of life-units in the universe
The entire main figure on the picture signifies a "life-unit", that is the principle "a living being". Just as this figure in the picture repeats itself on a smaller and smaller scale, so the principle of "the living being" repeats itself again and again on a smaller scale in the organism of every living being. So there are beings within beings, and organisms within organisms.  
As these organs are living beings or life-units, they too consist of an I and a combination of bodies that, like the main figure, is shown by a white, round figure with a triangle and a dark ring round it, within which we again find eight figures of the same kind as the main figure, only smaller. This means that the organs, when considered as living beings, are also equipped with organs that are in turn to be expressed as "living beings". As these latter organs are thus living beings too, they are also equipped with organs that again are to be expressed as living beings. We can continue in this way without ever reaching an end or the cessation of life. Life in reality consists exclusively of "living beings". Everything is life. But since this immeasurable host of living beings spans an infinite panorama of evolution, the same beings reciprocally come to represent a correspondingly infinite variety in their very manifestation or appearance. It is this variety that is the absolute determining basis for the same being's existence or experience of life. It is precisely this variety that determines that the living beings each, in the form of the experience of their own lives, can be organs for other living beings thereby promoting life for one another. But how could they fulfil their mission if they were exactly the same, living in the same dimensions or of exactly the same size? How could our lungs be lungs for us, or our kidneys, cells, molecules, atoms, electrons and so on be serviceable as material for our physical body and manifestation if they were "human beings" or living beings of the same category as we are? Such an eventuality would be the opposite of that which is a fact, namely, life. And a real death or an absolute "nothing" would thereby prevail. The universe with its galaxies, suns, planets, continents, oceans, spheres and planes of existence, and other manifestations of the eternal father, would never have been perceived by the brain of a living being, for such a brain would exist just as little as all these realities would. But exactly the same would be the case if our organs, cells, molecules and so on, or everything that belongs to the term "substance" or "matter", were not identical to "living beings". If the substance were not a combination of life-units it would never be able to represent vibration or movement. A lifeless thing absolutely cannot bring about any movement whatsoever. Here you may object that in daily life we see many "dead things" move themselves. We see the clouds moving across the sky, we see the water roaring in rivers and streams, we experience the noisy breakers of the ocean, just as we have also become familiar with the course of the planets and stars amongst each other. But are all these realities now "dead things" too?
      No! It is naturally only in the primitive or spiritually un-enlightened human being's imagination that they are perceived as "dead" and, as such, are expressed as "the forces of Nature". But the truth is that all these movements, or the collective macrocosmos, are also expressions of living beings or life-units. Just as our organs, cells and other bodily material are life-units within us, so are we ourselves organs within a greater being's organism. This greater being is the earth. The earth is also a life-unit with an I and a physical body. The physical earth is thus the physical body of this life-unit. The earth constitutes in turn an organ in the solar system, which is also a life-unit, whose physical body is made up of its physical solar body with the planets belonging to it. The solar system is in turn an organ in the galaxy, which in the same way also appears as a life-unit with an I and a physical body. This being, or gigantic life-unit, is in turn an organ in an even greater system or being, and so on continuously into infinity. So no living beings can exist without being organs in a larger being, just as they themselves equally cannot exist without being built up of an ocean of smaller beings or life-units. By virtue of this, the symbol can be used to express the principle of life of any living being whatsoever. If we imagine the smallest circles on the picture, those that are almost invisible to the naked eye, as expressions of the life-units that appear as people, the larger circles in which they appear would signify beings of the order of the earth. The larger circles in which the circles of these latter beings appear will then signify beings of the order of the sun or the solar system, while the circles of the next size are to be regarded as signifying the galaxy-beings. These circles are made up of the eight largest figures of the main figure. The symbol as a whole thus in this case signifies a being so large or a life-unit so gigantic that our galaxy constitutes merely a single organ in it.
      If we imagine the symbol as a whole signifying a human being, the eight largest round figures in the ring, as already stated, will signify its organs, while the figures of the next size signify its cell-beings. The circles of the ensuing sizes will then signify its so-called "substance" or "matter". And here we come down to the regions of life-units that are to be found in our food and drink.