On the Birth of My Mission
Chapter 2
Judge not!
To people of the type described above, this communication is not written. Notwithstanding, if inadvertently it should fall into the hands of a person so disposed, let me at once give the following advice:
      By all means, stick to the religious persuasion which to you means life and happiness, and which you regard as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
      Do not for a moment imagine that I am anxious to have you deviate from this supreme vital basis of yours. I do not entertain the slightest wish to weaken anybody's faith in whatever is lovely, noble, true, and a divine inspiration for the individual in his everyday life.
      At the same time I ask you to remember that it would be violating the commandment of love not to admit that your knowledge may be limited, and that beyond this limitation you are encompassed by a zone of which you may know nothing, in so far as you act as a "believer" only. For beyond this sphere of yours there does exist an infinite zone of which you may be ignorant, and which, accordingly, cannot but constitute an impenetrable darkness. What this black night holds in store, you can have no idea of. Consequently, you can be no authority or qualified judge whenever the vistas of this terra incognita are being broached, for it is only within the domain of personally acquired knowledge that your dictum will count.
      In the sphere where you exist simply as a "believer", your capacity must necessarily be limited, for here you live on what others have been telling you, what others have written. This is to say that here you are a mere disciple, i.e. an apprentice, a pupil. You have not yet attained the mature stage where your education is finished. You have not yet obtained your certificate, passed your examination or test.
      But is it not the wisest and most natural attitude for the pupil to acknowledge his deficiency when the rôle of "listener" is being assigned to him, rather than for him to imagine that he is entitled to pose as the "censorious" and "instructive" party, thus in fact, though unconsciously so, pretending to be a master or teacher? If the "believer" were to instruct the "adept", the pupil might just as well take upon himself to teach the master. This would be like setting the cart before the horse, and everything unnatural militates against the principle of love. The "believer", therefore, violates his own conviction by censuring the "adept", even if this is done in good faith.
      Moreover, is it not to this effect that Jesus said to his disciples: "Judge not, that ye be not judged; for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged"?
      The one who is really aware of this will pass no judgment on whatever he is ignorant. Consequently, it is not for the mere "believer" to do so, but a privilege reserved for the initiated "adept".