On the Birth of My Mission
Chapter 15
What my friends really witnessed
It was in this transformed state of mind that I once more came to see my well-read friend, this time in order to return his book. And he, as well as my colleague at the office, and all the rest of my past and present acquaintances can thus bear witness to the change that had come over me. They will testify to the fact that a person can acquire knowledge by other means than those usually employed: external, visible, and generally indispensable. To them it proved to be a fact that a miraculous source of information may be opened to an ignorant man, entirely without book-learning or knowledge and research on the part of others, and make him an instrument for the highest wisdom, knowledge, and religious enlightenment of life. They are the twentieth century's spectators of the Holy Spirit's reality. They have been privileged to see revelations of the past repeated in a contemporary, and to witness the manifestation of wisdom, the synthesis of life, the infinite "word of God" made flesh, transmuted into "Holy writ", which is to become spiritual nourishment for present and future generations. May they, in gratitude to and love for the eternal Father, constantly bear in mind and rightly appreciate what through this experience they have been so favoured as to witness.