The Road to Paradise
Chapter 6
Macrocosmic and microcosmic mental constructions on the physical plane
The physical plane of existence also includes mental creations or mental constructions that the mesocosmic beings, that is to say human beings, animals and plants, are not the source of, namely, all the phenomena we know as planets, suns and galactic systems with their organised releases of energy and productions of movement and their resulting creative processes. These are also only mental constructions and nothing else whatsoever. But since they are released or produced by macrocosmic beings we must describe these mental constructions, which have also been created in physical matter, as macrocosmic. In the same way the expressions of life or creative processes of all microcosmic beings are of course microcosmic mental constructions on the physical plane. Thus we see here that the whole of existence, everything whatsoever that can be sensed directly, consists of mental constructions or manifestations of thought, which is in turn the same as saying that the entire universe is a revelation of consciousness and thereby of spirit. Everything is alive.