The Road to Paradise
Chapter 57
Life's highest paradise
The above-mentioned great birth is a spiritual process through which the human being, matured and developed for this through its lives on Earth, has its latent cosmic sensory faculties opened. And with the maturing of these abilities it now becomes completely sovereign with regard to cosmic knowledge and its perception of life. It has become its own unshakeable cosmic source of light. And this being so, it has attained to experiencing with its own senses its immortality, its identity as a son of God and its divine brotherhood with all living beings. It loves everything and everyone. Its physical life and normal fate have become one with its dream existence or paradise. It has become a human being in God's image after His likeness. In this state it has attained a life that is the realisation of the greatest of all dream existences: being at one with the eternal Father in his infinite wisdom, universal love and omnipotence. When the human being or son of God has attained this perfect existence, it no longer needs to leave the spiritual world or its true, permanent paradise and be born in physical matter. It has now learnt to think one hundred per cent logically, both with regard to the creation of its behaviour and other kinds of creation, and is thereby correspondingly one hundred per cent qualified to create in spiritual matter. It can therefore continue its existence in the highest spiritual worlds of the spiral cycle. Here it can manifest without hindrance its entire genius at expressing intellectuality and love, and enjoy the culminating creative zest that ensues from this. It can no longer make mistakes. It has served its apprenticeship in the school of life. It has itself become paradisiacal in practical reality. And on this reality rests its paradise, which has now become permanent, as the being is no longer subject to reincarnation or rebirth. It sees God awake day-consciously in all beings and things. By virtue of its culminating cosmic knowledge and ability with regard to creating love, it, along with like-minded beings, constitutes the Godhead's creative and caressing organs of consciousness. Through them He breathes the breath of life or His own consciousness into the living beings of future worlds and planets, and comes up with the ideas for their organisms, forms and shapes. In the highest spiritual worlds, where the beings are thus free of reincarnation and have reached a peak of perfect, logical thinking and creation, they can, as previously mentioned, manifest without hindrance the genius of their entire cosmic consciousness in the kind of matter that automatically obeys thought, wishes and the will without any help whatsoever from external phenomena. And here they can travel in God's very own sphere of memory and day-consciousness. Foreign planets and worlds with their fairy-tale-like details and phenomena, mankinds of various forms, animal worlds and vegetable expressions of life emerge here before the cosmic eyes of the awestruck son of God. By virtue of his identity with eternity, the past and the future become the present at the command of his will. He travels through the culminatory fire of suns as well as through the frozen oceans or icy wastes of planets. By virtue of his cosmic sovereignty and his special substance, he is immune to everything that is time- and space-dimensional. In the same way he travels just as easily through the densest area of the atomic world as through the empty space of the universe. Immune to sizes, he travels just as easily in macrocosmic and microcosmic worlds as in his own mesocosmic home. With ease he likewise experiences thousands of kilometres as one metre, and one metre as thousands of kilometres. For this son of God who is one with the Father, one day is therefore as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Here the Godhead's creation of the human being in His image is complete. It has become the way, the truth and the life. Its existence or way of being forms the Godhead's all-penetrating halo.
      And in this way every single unfinished living being today travels on the road to paradise and will one day, at the end of this long road, be received by the eternal Father, the Godhead of the universe. And in His loving embrace, blessed by Him, at one with the radiant abundance of His spirit, it will radiate His infinite wisdom, universal love and omnipotence from the pinnacles of life over worlds, suns and galaxies.