The Road to Paradise
Chapter 55
Situations in which physical beings can be possessed by spirits
Having a physical, day-conscious connection with beings from the spiritual plane through mediums is certainly possible, but it is an exception and not the normal way. One can, however, to a certain elementary extent transfer encouraging speech and information from the physical plane through honest mediums to beings that are still in their purgatory after their physical death as unhappy beings. But one must remember that God's normal instruments for providing help to all unhappy beings in purgatory are the guardian angels that exist here. Here we must also remember that any artificial connection with the spiritual plane by non-expert physical beings can be extremely dangerous. It can lead to one being haunted and possessed by derailed, perverse or downright sadistic spirits from the sphere of purgatory. It can also lead to drug addicts, alcoholics and similar beings who are still in purgatory and have not yet got rid of their unfortunate tendencies, and therefore suffer from strong desires to satisfy them, being able to possess physical beings and gain some satisfaction through them. They of course prefer to haunt correspondingly vice-ridden beings on the physical plane. By possessing these beings, the spirits in question can, as it were, through these physical beings' abnormal indulgences, share the indulgence to a certain extent, and thereby achieve a kind of satisfaction. This means that the physical beings concerned will feel a heightened craving for the destructive indulgence. This intensified craving for the indulgence, which is now also to a great extent promoted by the possessing spirit, can become so strong that the physical being ultimately loses all its power of resistance, and becomes mentally and physically devastated to such an extent that it can lead to the being becoming mental deficient in its next physical life on earth. Spirits can also possess physical beings in other ways. Even if they are not as drastic as the ways mentioned above, they lead as a rule to harmful or unfortunate conditions for the one possessed, who may fall victim to nervous crises and mental illness. Such possession can very often begin through apparently quite innocent spiritistic experiments. It is therefore healthiest to keep to the natural line of communication with the beings in the spiritual world through one's normal, healthy sleep. Then one is fully protected and cannot meet with such mental crises and physically destructive crises.