The Road to Paradise
Chapter 53
The beings' communication with one another in paradise
The beings' communication with one another and their way of manifesting or expressing themselves for one another is somewhat different to how it is here on the physical plane. We already know that a being's thoughts become visible in spiritual matter and can be observed by its fellow beings. Their communication with one another here is thereby direct. The beings do not have to speak in order to communicate with one another. They think, and their thoughts materialise themselves in spiritual matter at lightning speed and are thereafter visible to their fellow being, whose subsequent answer is likewise fashioned out of matter at lightning speed and is rendered visible. After the being has passed through purgatory and become accustomed to spiritual existence, this communication, where the thoughts are experienced directly from one spirit to another, actually needs no spoken language. In the time immediately after death, however, the being is still subject to its habitual physical way of manifesting and experiencing. And as long as it is subject to this, it experiences life as being almost physical, at the same time as it gradually sees that it no longer needs to be subject to the laws of manifestation and the force of gravity particular to the physical world. Everything here is governed by new principles and laws to which they gradually become accustomed and which, as previously mentioned, cause matter here on the spiritual plane to materialise and take form in accordance with their thought, wish and will without any exterior aids whatsoever. The being's sphere of communication is now limited to beings and things with which it cannot short-circuit or be disharmonious. There can therefore never be any discord, quarrels or disagreements with anyone or anything here. All the beings of the paradise in question are within the same mental wavelength range. Beings from higher forms of paradise can communicate with beings in the underlying paradises, but the beings from the underlying paradises cannot enter the higher beings' paradises. In paradise the beings can meet any of their friends, acquaintances, family members and other relatives who have died previously on the physical plane and have come within the wavelength range of the same paradise in which they themselves are situated. They can, however, manifest only absolute kindness and friendliness towards one another, regardless of what relationship they may have had with one another on the physical plane. Animosity and antipathy do not exist in paradise, owing to the beings' passage through the process of purgatory. The communication between the above-mentioned beings is therefore extraordinarily light and exhilarating or joyful. They cannot possibly take a gloomy view of anything whatsoever. This being so they are thereby allowed to experience here in their paradise that everything is very good.