The Road to Paradise
Chapter 52
The humane or human paradise
In the humane or human paradise we find the realisation of all the dreams that tend towards humaneness or neighbourly love. People with dreams of helping beings in unfortunate situations will experience the realisation of their dreams as guardian angels here on the spiritual plane. These beings help beings out of purgatory and into the paradise or dream existence appointed specifically to each of them. Beings from this area of paradise also take part in furthering the granting of physical beings' prayers and helping them with their fate, to the extent that this is possible from the spiritual plane. They are present everywhere and can often actually intervene in a physical being's fate and in an apparently miraculous way help them get over a serious crisis. Here in this human area of paradise we also find the previously mentioned artists' paradise, just as there is of course also a paradise here for scientists, where they can have their kinds of dreams realised. There is thus a radiant paradise for absolutely all existing living beings.