The Road to Paradise
Chapter 50
The beings' religious paradise and other dreams
All those people who believe in their religion's concept of paradise and for whom this has become their hope and dream existence after death will of course experience the realisation of this. Christians will experience the realisation of their concept of paradise. They will experience becoming a part of the great white flock of the "saved" or the "blessed" before the "throne of God", and will experience the sublime attributes pertaining to this, which they have learnt to believe in. But this great collective vision cannot make up their entire spiritual life. Here they will also experience the realisation of any of the other dreams they may have had, even though these are perhaps only secondary in relation to the dreams and dream existences of their religion. Believers can well have dreams here on the physical plane of existence that are concurrent with their religious dreams. The same holds true also for the faithful followers of all other religions and sects. They experience that all their religious dreams and any other outstanding dreams come true in their paradise on the spiritual plane. Whether their religious dreams or material ones become primary will depend on which of them occupies their thoughts, wishes and will the most.