The Road to Paradise
Chapter 5
Mesocosmic mental constructions on the physical plane of existence
As all living beings, according to the cosmic analyses in my main work Livets Bog (The Book of Life), are immortal, and as all existing life is therefore eternal, all living beings without exception will, in the absolute sense, survive the process that we here on the physical plane call death. They will all thus inevitably live on after death. But what form will this life take? Can we know anything about the beings' existence after death? The answer must be that we certainly can, because the foundation for this coming spiritual life is very largely already created here by the beings in question themselves before they die and pass over to the above-mentioned life. Here we must direct our consciousness towards life itself or the psychic side of the living being. The psychic side is the same as our mental life, which is in turn the same as our consciousness. The consciousness consists of notions or ideas, which in turn are the same as mental constructions. All the notions or ideas that our consciousness can contain, whether they be scientific or unscientific, imagination or absolute reality, are built up solely of thought. The same holds true for everything that we manifest for our surroundings and fellow beings; indeed, everything that living beings are at all able to manifest on the physical plane of existence is nothing but mental constructions. All the produced things that we see, such as towns, cultural centres, buildings, machines, means of transport, articles of clothing and so on, are thus, in their true analysis, nothing but mental constructions. They constitute thoughts that are built up in physical matter. It is thereby evident that physical matter is mental matter or material for the creation of thoughts on the physical plane. As this mental manifestation or manifestation of thought in physical matter is produced by mesocosmic beings we must call it "the mesocosmic physical plane of thought".