The Road to Paradise
Chapter 46
The downfall of a derailed image of the Godhead and the birth of a new world epoch in which there is neither "sin", "punishment" nor fear of death
Here it is obvious why a human being or a Christ had to be born with a stature that was so loving that the above-mentioned image of God had to pale in comparison and ultimately crumble completely. What is the behaviour of this Godhead described above compared with a human being who was so loving that on the cross, in the middle of the most painful mutilations that can be inflicted on a living being, he could love his executioners, the source of his unhappy situation, and cry out to the whole world, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"? It is not so surprising that the earth shook and the veil in the holy of holies in the temple tore, because here an established image of God crumbled and paled to death before a human being in flesh and blood who was overshadowed by love's radiant abundance, a human being of a stature so gigantic that he would turn the whole of mankind's mental course towards the pinnacles of light, towards the absolutely only true and real Godhead, who constitutes the very culmination of infinite wisdom, universal love and omnipotence. And now, by virtue of "the comforter, the holy spirit", which is the same as the science of love or the science of God's consciousness and thereby of the solution to the mystery of life, mankind is in the process of being steered on to this course. In the revelation of this divine spirit or science, the Godhead, the universe and life will radiate and sparkle for mankind as an immaculate, loving panorama of life in which there are neither "sinners" nor "punishment" for "sins", and where absolutely no one can come to live in eternal torment or hell, but where absolutely all living beings sparkle in God's halo as eternal immortal centres of life, and where love is the keynote of the universe and thereby the cosmos's eternal basis for life.