The Road to Paradise
Chapter 43
The Christian world religion's ecclesiastical teaching about paradise and hell
In accordance with this divine principle – that spiritual matter automatically takes form in accordance with thoughts, wishes and the will – the preaching of the world religions has really had a great and decisive influence on the beings' experience of the state of paradise after death. Within the Christian world religion one knows nothing of reincarnation. Here one has therefore absolutely no logical, just basis for the structure of life itself. When beings do not acknowledge or understand that their present fate is a result of the behaviour they have manifested in previous lives, just as their behaviour in their present life will contribute to forming the basis for the fate that they will receive in future, new terrestrial lives or existences, one cannot possibly provide any just basis for all the sufferings and difficulties or the many unhappy fates that have tortured people for thousands of years. One has then simply created for oneself the notion that one will either go to an eternal hell after death, where one will have to burn in a perpetual fire without ever being able to escape this terrible suffering, or one must go to a paradise where one will be placed before God's throne and here see the Godhead, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Here one will then experience paradise along with others, and take part in paying homage to or praising this triune Godhead. And this state was thus to be the highest salvation or experience of life.