The Road to Paradise
Chapter 40
The unfinished human beings' dream existence or paradise
Even if one has not advanced as far in evolution as to have become a genius at being able to think artistically and produce spiritual works of art like those mentioned above, this does not prevent one being able to have one's dream existence in quite other fields. We have mentioned the above examples only in order to show how perfect ingenious works of art can be on the spiritual plane. Thus all human beings, from the first frail, primitive forms in evolution right up to the finished human being in God's image, experience the realisation of their most beautiful dreams on the spiritual plane. This holds true for the primitive people of the primordial forest as well as for civilisation's highly gifted people, researchers and scientists. Whether one is a religious believer or the opposite is totally immaterial since this cannot prevent one from having a dream or longing to experience an ideal existence. One cannot possibly avoid experiencing this beyond physical death, since here matter automatically takes form in accordance with one's thought, wish and will. The pygmy thus experiences that his primitive dreams take the form or are along the lines of how he learnt to think on the physical plane. The same is true of the Indian, the Eskimo, the Fuegian, indeed in brief, of individuals of any race whatsoever. They all experience precisely that which was their highest dream existence on the physical plane of existence, but which, because of insufficient development and perhaps other circumstances, they could not possibly experience on this plane. Thus the poor human being that perhaps starves, freezes and lives in rags on the physical plane experiences on the spiritual plane the realisation of its dream, arising from its physical condition, of a contrasting existence where it has plenty of delicious food, good, warm clothes to wear, a beautiful house to live in and a plentiful supply of money. In the same way a skinflint or miser will receive oceans upon oceans of money on the spiritual plane in accordance with the unsatisfied longing for the fulfilment of the desire for money that he had on the physical plane, and in accordance with the dream that this longing gave rise to. On the spiritual plane too, anglers and hunters experience lovely countryside in which they can satisfy their desire. The angler thus experiences rivers with an abundance of beautiful fish, while the hunter experiences woods or terrains with lots of animals. Life on the spiritual plane is thus bliss for such beings. Likewise there is no limit to how perfectly the vain person's dream can be realised on the spiritual plane. He will be dressed and adorned as he wishes, in purple robes, silk and gold with a great many medals and decorations. Indeed, in some cases he actually experiences being a prince, a pope, a king or an emperor and can be duly invested with an ermine robe, crown and sceptre and sit on a golden throne and speak to his "subjects". In other cases the being appears on the spiritual plane in accordance with its dream or dream existence as a magnate, a Croesus or a multi-millionaire living in a huge castle or luxury palace with a large staff of servants, a luxury car, a yacht and a racing stable. The dominant beings here are not as a rule those that were really wealthy on the physical plane. Most often their dreams go in other directions depending upon the level of satiation with the Croesus-existence they have already reached on the physical plane.
      Similarly we find here on the spiritual plane the home of all ingenious humour. Here humour is not written down or drawn as pictures on paper or canvas. Like the previously mentioned artists' works it appears in a natural state in the way that its originator imagines it. Funny figures of people, animals and things appear as living characters, and the comedies become real, plastic or stereoscopic experiences in colour, sound and movement to the extent that their originator is able to animate them with his or her thought, talent, wish and will. From this sphere the humour-packed products of artists in wit are transferred to the physical plane as amusing cartoon films. Since this form of art can reproduce the spiritual original on the physical plane in the fullness and freedom of movement of the living form, people can, even through cartoons, get an inkling of the freedom the spiritual creative ability has to let thought take form automatically and directly in spiritual matter without outer aids and in accordance with the being's wish and will; thus a creation that cannot possibly take place on the physical plane can flourish abundantly here.