The Road to Paradise
Chapter 4
People's passive and negative belief in life after death
In addition to the condition of suffering or dark fate that can befall people here on the physical plane, they create for themselves an imaginary dark state after death. The human beings who are unfinished but believe in religion are firmly convinced of a life after death. In the Christian world religion, where one is unacquainted with reincarnation, one believes that this coming life after death is exclusively a spiritual life, that is to say an uninterrupted and therefore, in a way, eternal existence in the spiritual world. In other religions, where one is accustomed to believing in reincarnation or the fact that one is reborn again and again on the physical plane of existence, one has other corresponding notions about life beyond the present one. Here one understands that fate, whether it be evil or good, is a result of the beings' previous lives or existences. In addition to these two categories of believers, there is a third one. It consists of those beings who feel that they cannot believe in anything religious or in anything that they cannot find intellectual proof of. These people live with the notion that death is a total cessation of life or existence. As this notion cannot be proved intellectually, its adherents can be connected to it only by means of belief. These beings are thus in reality just as much believers as those who are followers of religious sects, and who believe in life after death.
      Here on Earth mankind thus manifests itself for us in the three categories mentioned above: the category in which the beings believe in an uninterrupted spiritual life after death, the category in which the beings believe in reincarnation or rebirth on the physical plane, and the category in which the beings believe that there is no life at all after death. While the first two categories believe in something positive, the last believes only in something negative.