The Road to Paradise
Chapter 39
The artists' paradise
We will here provide a few examples of what it means when, without any outer aids or tools, matter automatically takes form in accordance with the mental concentration, wish and will of the living being, as it does on the spiritual plane of existence. By virtue of this divine state an architect can build as many country residences or other large-scale buildings as he wants. Here he is not burdened by having to earn a living by means of his artistic training and talents. There are no means of earning a living here. No one on the spiritual plane has to earn money or work in order to sustain his daily life. Here life is an absolute dream existence for everyone, and the beings manifest absolutely only what they themselves want to manifest. They can experience only those things in their surroundings and those manifestations of their fellow beings that will please and delight them. The sensory transformation they underwent in the epoch of purgatory prevents them from getting on to the same wavelength as anything that does not have this effect. For this reason absolutely no darkness whatsoever can arise here. When an architect wants to create a building on the spiritual plane, he does not need to have a number of associates, craftsmen and labourers in order to carry out his plan, as is the case on the physical plane. He has likewise no problems of any kind with materials, since spiritual matter – which is in itself unmanifested and present everywhere but which, through the power of thought, materialises and takes form in accordance with the living beings' wish and will – manifests itself here too. Thus the architect has in his power the ability to obtain sufficient material for his projects, if he at all wants to build them stone by stone and does not immediately imagine them completely finished without any preceding construction work, this being also in his power. Here he can thus create all the dream projects that may have been impossible for him to build on the physical plane because of many and various obstacles.
      Regarding other artists, they will likewise, by the mere power of thought, be able to create the most splendid landscapes, portraits, imaginary figures or works of art in many different directions. These works of art differ from works of art on the physical plane in that they appear to be "alive", to the extent to which their originator has been able to imagine them and animate them with his own life. Here the most elevated and perfect artistic representation of a landscape will not take the form of a picture painted on canvas. It will, on the contrary, be in its natural state and extend for kilometres, with forests, lakes, fields, sky, sea and land, with towns, people, animals and so on, all according to the talents and the ability to concentrate his wishes and thoughts that the artist has acquired during his evolution through his physical terrestrial lives. While such a work of art on the physical plane would be only a relatively miniature picture painted on canvas or the like with immovable details, it is, however, on the spiritual plane a complete realisation of the artist's dream, depending on how much he has developed towards the stage of genius. He can thus inject his own energy or life force into his work of art. Swans would swim on the lake. Lovely white summer clouds would float across the sky. The forest would ring with birdsong and other sounds that belong there. The summer breeze would rustle the treetops, and the waves of the ocean would roll softly in towards a lovely white beach where people would tumble in the blue-green swell. And over the entire scene the sun would cast its all-enlivening and warming heavenly light. The whole vision would be borne and sustained completely by the artist's mental talents, concentration, wish and will. The artist can of course, within the scope of his particular talents, his abilities to think and create on the spiritual plane, also imagine quite another motif. And as thinking here is the same as direct creation in matter, this work of art will emerge as a new radiant vision for himself and his admiring fellow beings on this plane. This work of art can be a representation of a storm. Black clouds penetrated by flashing lightning will then cover the sky. Rumbling thunder and the shouts, cries and other sounds that belong to such a situation are heard through the storm. With his mental concentration and talents he can also create the most beautiful and most radiant landscapes in the fiery glow of sunrise and sunset, just as he can create silvery moonlit landscapes and other landscapes as radiant, living visions.
      If the same artistic genius's creations on the spiritual plane are figures of people and animals, they will likewise appear to be quite natural and "alive". The figures of people can talk, sing, laugh and cry just as the animal figures can run, jump and roar in accordance with the artist's talents, wish and will.