The Road to Paradise
Chapter 37
The epoch of paradise as a divine revelation of caresses for the living being in its passage through the spiral cycle's culmination of darkness
In accordance with universal love, which is the foundation for the continued existence of the whole universe, it would be glaringly unnatural if beings did not have the opportunity to experience the fulfilment of their dream existence or their hunger for an existence where they could undisturbedly enjoy the experience of life that was the very highest happiness and bliss for their present sensory capacity. We also see that no normal or natural hunger of any sort whatsoever for which there is no satiation can arise. We must of course disregard such artificially produced feelings of hunger as the hunger for drugs, alcohol, tobacco and the like. There is no satiation whatsoever for these kinds of hunger. The more beings consume these products, the more they will starve themselves to death, because the consumption of them can give them only an imagined satiation at the same time as they undermine the organism and thereby the ability to experience a normal life. But this is not the case with the longing or hunger for an ideal existence. It is one hundred per cent normal, and its satiation is therefore a corresponding vital necessity for the being's evolution or transformation into the human being in God's image, quite apart from it being a shining and warming revelation of caresses, by means of which the eternal Godhead embraces and encourages his unfinished son (the living being) in the middle of his passage through the cosmic spiral cycle's culminating zones of darkness, spheres of suffering and terrains of death.