The Road to Paradise
Chapter 34
Why all beings experience an individually adapted paradise
As the living beings on the physical plane are not equally far on in evolution and are thus on very different mental steps, and have very different abilities and talents, their abilities to think and experience differ correspondingly and considerably. While all those beings who have gone through the epoch of reincarnation or rebirth, and have thereby come so far that they can experience true reality – the absolutely true solution to the mystery of life – and can therefore enjoy this reality's primary and absolute paradise, those beings who are still more or less unfinished cannot perceive the true paradise as a divine, culminating experience of light. They can therefore experience paradise only in accordance with what they perceive to be the highest and happiest ideal of life experience. Imagine how divine this world order is! If it were not precisely so, all beings would have to wait until they had passed through the entire dark part of the spiral cycle as far as the epoch of the great birth before they could have any experience whatsoever of a paradise or real existence of light. Life thus exists according to such divine laws that all living beings without exception attain an absolutely radiant experience of paradise between every physical terrestrial life. This holds absolutely true for people of all races, all nations, all followers of every religion and every religious sect, just as much as it does for people who have no belief whatsoever in any life after death. It thus holds true for people of all views of life; it holds true for so-called "criminals" and all those who commit suicide, as well as for saints. No being whatsoever can fail to have an experience of paradise between its physical terrestrial lives, since the wavelengths through which the ideas or mental constructions that collide with its view of a highest ideal or dream existence cannot be manifested on the spiritual plane. For this reason mental short circuits cannot arise here, which means the kinds of thoughts that find vent in anger, bitterness, envy, jealousy, unhappy love, hatred and feelings of revenge, intolerance or the like. Such mental constructions or states of mind are of such a low wavelength range that they cannot possibly be manifested in any being's experience of paradise. This side of the beings' psychic nature is put out of action through the experiences of purgatory.