The Road to Paradise
Chapter 33
Where reincarnation becomes superfluous and ceases
Here we begin to see the real divine principle that guarantees all living beings a paradisiacal existence beyond terrestrial, physical life. If the living beings cannot remain in this paradise but have to be reborn again on the physical plane, it is due exclusively to the fact that their evolution is not finished and that they have not reached the height of life experience and creative ability that the Godhead has planned for them. By being reborn again on the physical plane, the beings have the opportunity to evolve further, make new mistakes, and experience the effects of these mistakes and the wisdom and corresponding great talents that arise from them, and in doing so their behaviour becomes correspondingly more perfect and thus qualifies them to experience a correspondingly even more perfect and more brilliant flood of light in the form of the experience of paradise. And in this way living beings, through being reborn on the physical plane, continue to evolve towards greater and greater perfection, and attain a correspondingly more radiant existence in paradise after each terrestrial life. In so doing the being ultimately manages to get through all the zones and spheres of unpleasant errors and thereby reaches its present spiral cycle's culmination of wisdom and love. It cannot therefore learn any more on the physical plane in this cycle, so reincarnation or rebirth ceases. And thus, after this, the being continues with the entire capacity of its cosmic consciousness, in a divine revelation of the manifestation of love in wisdom and high-intellectual creation in the radiant abundance of spiritual matter, a theme we will return to later. Through this creation the details of the spiritual worlds are fashioned in sparkling and shining substances. In this golden matter everything appears in a culmination of love, wisdom, beauty and joy. Here daily life is the revelation and experience of God's primary consciousness in its purest form.