The Road to Paradise
Chapter 30
The living being's two sensory horizons: the physical and the spiritual
As we have already learnt, the living being has two sensory horizons: a spiritual one and a physical one. While the spiritual horizon is permanent, the physical is only periodic, since the physical body, which is a created phenomenon and is therefore like all other created phenomena, must perish. The being has therefore periods in its experience of life during which it experiences and creates with its spiritual senses alone. These periods begin at the being's liberation from its physical organism at so-called "death", and continue until the being is again ready to connect with a new physical organism. During this period the being cannot experience anything directly on the physical plane of existence. It has thus, in reality, completely disappeared from this plane. There remains only the discarded physical organism, which quickly begins to decompose. And since beings are still very imperfect as regards sensing cosmically, and are, indeed, unconscious on the cosmic plane, they can judge only on the basis of what they physically witness. Many believe therefore, as previously mentioned, that the living being stands and falls with its physical organism, and that the being in question, whose physical organism has become a corpse, has completely ceased to exist.