The Road to Paradise
Chapter 3
What is it that makes people form notions about "paradise" and "hell"
The above has given us a concentrated overview of the terrestrial human beings' situation as regards fate. We have seen that beings' unhappy fates are solely the effects of ignorance, which in turn means that the human being, as long as it is troubled with a fate that manifests itself as suffering, is an unfinished being. An unfinished being is in turn a being whose creation in God's image after His likeness is incomplete. That there arises in the being during this unfinished condition a longing to be admitted to a lighter and happier existence is not very surprising. This longing for a lighter future is what we call "hope". And it is this longing or hope that gives rise to the many notions that people have about a coming ideal existence that would fulfil their hope for the future. It is the fulfilment of the being's dream for the future, that is to say beyond death, that constitutes what we call "paradise", while the dark fates, with their sufferings and distress, have given rise to the different notions about the hereafter that are expressed as "hell".