The Road to Paradise
Chapter 21
The spiritual world is the land of joy and happiness, while the physical world is God's workshop for the creation of the "human being in God's image"
The above-mentioned perfect existence would be an impossibility if it were not isolated in such a way that only beings of the same mental wavelength could come into contact with this perfect existence or way of experiencing life. If all unfinished human beings could assert themselves here too among beings of the higher mental wavelengths, as is the case on the physical plane, the spiritual world would be just as dark, bleak and imperfect as the physical world can be for the unfinished human being. Indeed, here there would even be war, a war made by unfinished human beings. But, thanks to the divine world order, this is absolutely not the case. The spiritual world is intended to be nothing but the fruit of perfect thinking, the blessing and joy at overcoming matter that follows from this perfect thinking, the joy at having become the master of life instead of being its slave, the joy at having become one with love, wisdom and omnipotence, the joy at having become one with God. The spiritual world is the land of happiness and joy, while the physical world is the melting pot, the mould or God's workshop for the creation of the perfect human being in His image. Here the being is filed, cleaned and polished. Here it learns to overcome egoism's and primitivity's disfiguring, animal mode of existence and appearance in order ultimately to shine and sparkle in the Godhead's all-overwhelming halo of rays in the culmination of the experience of life. It is not so remarkable that we find problems, sorrows and sufferings on the physical plane of existence, since these phenomena are nothing but waste products and wood shavings from the Godhead's creation of the human being in His image after His likeness.