The Road to Paradise
Chapter 18
The recreation of the living being's consciousness in each new spiral cycle
As the living being at the beginning of each new spiral cycle has no particular faculty for physical consciousness, this faculty having long since degenerated in the previous spiral, just as its spiritual consciousness is also very minimal, since it lives only on the memories from the same previous spiral and is thus a sleeping being when viewed from the outer world, its consciousness must be recreated again. This occurs automatically through the influences of Nature on the formation of its organism, and, with this influence, the being's own incipient sensory perception gradually emerges. And through this sensory perception it itself begins to acquire consciousness and can thus take part in its own evolution or creation of consciousness. But as life stipulates that logic be a condition in all creation, and logic can exist only as a result of wisdom or intellectuality, the being here will experience an epoch in which its co-determination in its own experience of life and creation is more or less unreliable, and can indeed be downright catastrophic. It does not yet have the necessary intellectuality or sense of logic in order to fulfil the law of life or the law for all manifestation and creation. In order to fulfil this law one hundred per cent, any creation would have to be a joy and blessing for living beings. If this were not so, it would not conform to life's own logic and would thus in actual fact be extremely illogical. It would go against the very universe's or the Godhead's own creation.