The Road to Paradise
Chapter 13
Why living beings must incarnate in physical matter
When beings can thus experience and create on the spiritual plane of existence, what then is the purpose of experiencing and creating on the physical plane? Doing so seems to be completely dispensable. But this is certainly not the case. Without the living being's incarnation in physical matter it would never be able to learn to think logically. And without being able to think logically, experience and creation on the spiritual plane would become correspondingly illogical. Since no perfection, true joy or happiness can possibly be experienced through illogical thinking, logical thinking is an indispensable prerequisite for being able to attain the culmination of life experience, that is to say, for being able to attain the very culmination of the very highest wisdom, the very greatest love and the resulting culmination of well-being, happiness and bliss, which is the same as appearing in God's image after His likeness. But as such a culmination of life experience cannot possibly occur except by virtue of the experience of its contrast, it is a matter of course that all living beings must go through the experience of this contrast. But as this can culminate only in animal matter, which means in organisms made of flesh and blood, it is thus an indispensable prerequisite for the living being's attainment of the highest culmination of the experience of life that it must incarnate in physical matter and have an animal organism. In this it can experience the culmination of pain and suffering, which is quite impossible on the spiritual plane or in the primary, spiritual bodily structure.